Tiijonnae Blackwell
Tiijonnae Blackwell has many artistics interests but while in college, she has explored drawing and linoleum block printing. In her work, Blackwell focuses on accurate proportions with a lot of heavy detail. Her style of artwork in general incorporates reality to cartoons imagery, detail, and color. Ms.Blackwell wants her artwork to give off a message of happiness while also showing appreciation for the artwork that she recreates. As she has taken interest in illustration, she wants herdrawings to be related to modern culture to make them seem relatable to the viewer.
Heart and Brain of Power
Linoleum block print on paper
“Heart and Brain of Power '' are a series of artworks carved out of linoleum blocks. Its purpose is to show heavy detail with intricate lines wanting to express the accurate representation of how these organs look by making highlighting features. It can also express the different connotations and meanings each organ has and its significance to the body. This is done while also maintaining a representation of its beauty to show a different perspective within the viewer’s eyes and minds.